Monday, December 20, 2010
Blog Swap!
Hi everybody. I’m Amie, and I have been partnered up to do a Blog Swap with Hollyanne, so you’re all stuck with me today. Visit my blog to see what Hollyanne wrote too, because she’s the one you all really like, isn’t she? That’s ok.
The theme for this swap, if I choose to accept it, is “Action. What will you do in the next year that you’ve been putting off for too long?”
I accept.
Oh, how I love to procrastinate. I put everything off for too long. If I have a letter to drop off, and the mail gets picked up at 5:00pm, you can bet I’m there at 4:59, letter in hand. But I also love to make plans. These two loves of mine collide (BLAMMO!) and I have all sorts of plans for the next year, and I have been putting ALL of them off for too long.
There’s the mundane stuff. I haven’t been to a dentist in 3 years or so. I know, that’s gross and bad for me. But I was in grad school and had crappy insurance, and I don’t really like my dentist. And then I moved to a new state and got new insurance and need to find a new dentist, and just haven’t bothered yet. I don’t want a new dentist staring at my teeth and then getting all judgy at me for not going to a dentist for 3 years. They LOVE to judge their patients, you know. I haven’t been to the eye doctor in about 2 years, and I’m all out of new contacts, so I really do need to do that again soon too.
There’s the slightly-more-interesting stuff. I’ve been putting off a Real Serious Job Search for a while now. I tried it for a while, but the complete and utter silence from all corners (no one could even be bothered to send me a rejection! Ugh, the manners of some people) left me super disenfranchised and grumpy. It’s time to get off my tail and do the work and write a bunch of snazzy cover letters and really try. And keep trying. And not give up. And then get a new job that will leave me marginally more fulfilled and marginally better paid than my current job.
But this is all boring. You want to know about the plans for stuff I’ve put off for too long. The good stuff.
Seven years ago, I did a study abroad in Europe. One of my best friends was there with me, and before we came home, we promised that we’d go back to Europe before we each turned 30. I turn 29 in about a month, so this will be my last chance to go back to Europe. I mean, I went when I was 24 (honeymoon in Ireland) and again when I was 26 (6 weeks in France) but .. well, this is my last chance before I’m 30! Plus, my husband only went with me on the honeymoon, and hasn’t ever actually set foot on the continent of Europe. So we really should do that. He really needs a break too, he’s been working too hard, the poor dear.
My townhouse has a living room that is completely devoid of couches. We bought this place and it’s huge and we don’t have enough furniture to fill it. We’re putting off buying couches as long as we can, so we can afford fancy nice ones that will last forever, and just in case the car dies. It’s highly likely that the car will die. But I want couches by the end of next year.
Heck, while we’re at it, I want a new car by the end of next year. The car is old and falling apart and exceptionally uncomfortable. The driver’s seat back doesn’t adjust, so I have to toss a pillow behind my back to see over the wheel.
Once we have a new car that is not exceptionally uncomfortable, there will be more road trips. More road trips to my grandmother’s place on the lake for the long holiday weekends over the summer. More road trips to football games and tailgates and random state parks worth visiting. More road trips to visit friends and family. Because the new car will be comfortable and I won’t hate being in it and I’ll like driving it and it’ll be good.
Yep. That’s my plan for next year. Dentist. Eye doctor. Job search. Europe. Couches. Car. Not too much to hope for, is it? Now I just have to get off my butt and make it all happen. Wish me luck. Hopefully by this time next year I’ll be able to have made some serious progress on the list. Because if I haven’t, that means I’ve REALLY been putting it all off for too long. Oops.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Fiance Friday - Life Update!
I know it has been quite a while since you have heard from Mr. Groom-To-Be! As you all finish up your holiday shopping, remember to get the groom-to-be in your life something special. If you are looking to get me a present and you live in the Midwest, a six-pack of Boulevard Wheat or Boulevard Nutcracker Ale is always the perfect gift! :).
So, since the last time I wrote, several things have happened. Let’s go through a couple of those.
Hollyanne and I took a trip to Las Vegas over my birthday weekend. We stayed at Circus Circus hotel right on the Strip, which was really fun! Unfortunately, we didn’t hit it big like we were hoping. In fact, on the Friday night we got there, I officially lost $20 in 5-10 minutes. However, after a stroke of luck on the Nebraska football game, as well as the penny slots, we only ended up down $19. Not bad for Vegas, right? Overall, it was definitely a great time! If you haven’t been to Vegas, you MUST go! I would highly recommend it to anyone!
I am very excited to announce that yesterday, I accepted a new position at the University of Arizona! I will now be a Coordinator in the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership! I’ll be working with a variety of programs in the department, developing student leaders. I’m definitely very excited about this opportunity!
Anyhow, this weekend for us includes volunteering with the Tucson Community Food Bank at the Farmer’s Market Saturday morning at 6th and Irvington. If you are in Tucson, come check it out and get some great local produce! Also, we are going to check out the Winterhaven Festival of Lights tonight, which is an annual Tucson event! As I’ve never been to it before, I’m definitely looking forward to walking through!
That’s about it from me! I hope you all are doing well and are having a great weekend!
Peace, Love, and Grooms,
Monday, December 6, 2010
What happens in Vegas...makes you really exhausted.
Here's just a snapshot of what we did in Sin City:
-watched the fountains at the Bellagio, which played to Christmas music!
-visited the M&M store, and spent way to much money on color-coordinated bags of M&M's for gifts
-played the penny slots, not only because they're cheap and strangely fun, but because we got free drinks every morning while playing!
-drank frozen drinks even though it was freeeeeeezing!
-watched the Circus Circus circus
-tried on silly hats at Urban Outfitters
-cheered on the marathon and half-marathon runners in the Vegas Rock n Roll Marathon
-pretended like we were actually in Paris when we walked through Paris Las Vegas
-spent all day Saturday trying to figure out how to get free nightclub passes, secured passes to 3 clubs, and then fell asleep at our hotel after getting all dressed up
-ate at the Rio Carnival World Buffet Champagne Brunch, and then had a food coma
-walked around Fremont Street and visited the original Vegas casinos, and I had my first fried oreo - delicious!
Happy birthday Kevin! Only 4 more years until you are THIRTY!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Things we're [I'm] thankful for:
seasonal food on our table. |
our upcoming wedding. |
the ability to act like kids even though we're adults. |
the ocean, and how it reminds us of something bigger and better than ourselves. |
sunsets. |
cupcakes, especially ones decorated with engagement rings! |
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best friends and sisters. |
my amazing fiance, who puts up with more than you can imagine. |
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Engagement anniversary!
Grocery shop.
Okay, maybe we did a little more than that. Kevin did buy me these lovely flowers at the store. He is so lucky that I love carnations, aka the cheapest flower on the planet :) I really do, though. It's weird.
Then we decided to make ratatouille, one of our fave dishes but one that we rarely make. We used about ten different vegetables, almost all of which were from the farmer's market that we recently started volunteering at. The recipe called for chicken, but we decided to keep it vegetarian. We're considering becoming vegetarian...more on that later. For now, we'll just call ourselves "meat minimalists." Anyways, I don't have the recipe right now, but I'll post it in another post when I do. I highly recommend it.
We also decided to make something sweet. I hadn't made brie in a long time, and recently found a recipe I wanted to try, so we went for it. It was absolutely delicious. The recipe for "Holiday Brie en croute" can be found here
Last but not least we decided to hit the batting cages. This was my first time at a batting cage, so naturally I was scared at first, but once I discovered that slow-pitch softball is indeed quite slow, everything was a-ok! All in all, it was a great way to spend our engagement anniversary :)
How did you all spend YOUR weekend?
Sunday, October 31, 2010
A Favorite Recipe
Friday, October 29, 2010
Fiance Friday! - DIY Wedding!
Hello blog-o-sphere!
I know it’s been a few weeks. As I sit here, I have been watching game 2 of the World Series. It’s currently 8-0 Giants in the bottom of the 8th inning. Coincidentally, it is currently Thursday night at 8pm here on the West side of the country. Do you know what comes on TV on Thursdays at 8pm? Yup, Grey’s Anatomy, followed by Private Practice. Since Hollyanne is at a classmate’s house working on schoolwork, we have the TiVo set to record both shows. Now you might be saying to yourself, “Kevin, what’s the big deal? TiVo can record on one channel while you watch something else on another.” Well, technically yes, but not if you own a Series2 TiVo that you bought off Craigslist from some guy in a shady Walgreens parking lot two years ago for $30. So, 8pm rolled around, I had a choice to make. I could continue watching the Giants game, or I could allow the TiVo to change the channel and record Grey’s. Needless to say, I’ll be asking my co-workers in the morning how the game finished up. Grooms of the world, trust me when I say that there was a right and a wrong decision that could have been made in that situation. I chose the right one. :)
Anyhow, enough about me missing the end of the second game of the World Series. Did I mention that baseball is my favorite sport? I digress…So, today I thought I would talk a little bit about this whole DIY wedding concept. For those unfamiliar with the term, it stands for “Do It Yourself Wedding.” Now I can’t knock the entire concept. Those who know me know that I’m a frugal guy, always on the lookout for the best deals. Don’t believe me? Re-read the story in the first paragraph and focus on the section about my buying a used TiVo from some random guy in a parking lot. For the most part, a DIY Wedding is a GREAT way to save money!
However, I have learned that there are many things grooms may not fully comprehend when planning a “DIY Wedding.” There is no such thing as a free lunch – trust me, I’ve have my share of many breakfasts, lunches, and dinners over the years. First, type in DIY Wedding into Google. Check out how many blogs and websites are devoted to future brides and their DIY weddings! I’m fairly certain that my beautiful fiancée may have visited close to all of them. There are also magazines upon magazines devoted to the DIY Wedding concept. I’m looking at you, Martha Stewart (PS – I’m still waiting on your response from both of my letters…Don’t think you can avoid me!). In fact, there is an entire industry devoted to DIY Weddings! I would call it the Anti-Wedding-Industry-Industry. Or, since I’m in Student Affairs and we like to make acronyms, AWII.
My main word of warning comes in this form, however, grooms: Craft Nights. Yes, that’s right. DIY Weddings lead to “craft nights,” which can and will eventually turn in to “craft weekends.” You see, there is no joking on this one, grooms. You’ll be up to your ears in superglue and construction paper before you can say “Do It Yourself.” In fact, I got the full effect when my beautiful fiancée looked me sweetly in the eyes this week and said, “By the way, I invited a friend over to do crafts for the wedding this weekend.” So, while you all enjoy games three and four of the World Series, I’ll be doing crafts, and watching TiVo’d Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. Did I just mention that it is World Series time again?? :)
Before signing off, I just want to give a quick Fiancé Friday shout-out to my former classmate Joe and his new wife Allie who just got married last weekend in Ohio! Congrats to both of you!
Until next week…
Peace, Love, and Crafts,
Friday, October 8, 2010
Fiancé Friday - My Life on the D-List
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Updates! ...and October
My apologies for not having updated recently, but it's because the future Mr. and I have been busy little {wedding planning} bees. With just eight months and some amount of days that I'm too lazy to count, we'll be man & wife, and as the date gets closer, we seem to get busier and busier. In the past few weeks, we have:
-constructed the world's largest paper chain to count down to our wedding date
-designed our save-the-date cards (part template, part our additions), to be sent shortly
-searched for, found, and purchased the perfect envelopes (found here) for said save-the-dates (ok, ok, so it was mostly me who did this)
-{I} begun addressing save-the-dates. BY HAND. let's just say that was a bad idea.
-purchased and begun design on our place cards & table numbers (without revealing too much, i will say they involve these mini-chalkboards)
-researched and decided on a wedding favor (which we will also be making...God-willing)
-booked our wedding night hotel at a will-be-kept-undisclosed location :)
-{almost} completed our wedding registries
-{Kevin} continues to plot his attack on the Martha Stewart regime...
-painted most of our apartment, with the help of our lovely friend claudia
-{I} found, purchased, and just recently received my wedding DRESS & veil, and they are both absolutely perfect; to all of you future brides out there, i highly recommend searching for your dream (but often unaffordable) designer dress through; you'll get a much better deal, have more money to spend on other parts of your wedding, AND help someone repurpose an item that was very special to them.
and, most exciting of them all...
-research honeymoon options, and although we haven't decided or booked anything yet, are leaning towards this Caribbean cruise - woot!
we've also been working on a total redesign of the blog, which we will hopefully be launching the beginning of next week! we are super excited and we hope you all will love it.
in other news, IT'S OCTOBER, which means it's my favorite month. (usually). it's finally starting to cool down in tucson, and we're looking forward to many things this month:
-tucson beer festival next weekend
-pumpkin picking & pumpkin carving & {mostly} pumpkin eating
-my dear friend & bridesmaid Ashly's visit towards the end of the month
-and, mostly, it NOT being 113 degrees everyday
more updates soon!
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kevin & i before last week's arizona-cal game; go wildcats! |
Friday, October 1, 2010
Fiance Friday!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Yes to the dress! :) (KEVIN DO NOT READ)
I have exciting news to share: I FOUND A WEDDING DRESS!
So, I went back home to California in hopes of finally finding + purchasing a dress. The designer of the dress I had fell in love with back in Omaha was having a trunk show at a bridal shop in Anaheim, so it seemed like I might be able to find the dress AND get a great deal on it, as I felt it was too much at full retail price. Anyways, when my mom and my friend Ashly and I arrived at the bridal shop on Friday, we were told that there were no sales or discounts, and that the "trunk show" meant that there were just more gowns from that designer in stock that weekend. Please note: This is NOT what their website said. Although we were quite angry, I decided to try on dresses there anyways and ended up finding a (different) dress that I love even more than the first one, which for awhile I didn't think was possible :)
The saleswoman was a bit rude and pushy toward us near the end, so we decided to let her know that we were going to think it over for a day or so before making a final decision. I went home and researched where else in California and Arizona that dress was sold, and discovered there were several places that would be more convenient to buy it from.
After a little more digging (websites that sell replica designer dresses from China, website that make replica dresses in the US, and some total scams), I came across! PreOwned Wedding Dresses connects sellers of designer wedding dresses with buyers who have found the dress of their dreams but maybe aren't able to afford it. Sellers list their dresses at a fraction of the price and the dresses have typically been worn just once or not at all, and are in excellent condition.
As it turns out, there were a few sellers on the website selling my exact dress. I ended up connecting with a seller of my dress that has almost my EXACT measurements. Too good to be true? Nope. I messaged her on Saturday and heard back late last night; she is still selling the dress and it has been cleaned and preserved since her wedding last year, and is in great condition! Best yet, the dress is about 60% off of the original price. We have started the transaction process and I should have the dress in the mail sometime next week :)
Here are a few pictures of the dress; I will post some of me wearing it when I get them from my mom and Ashly's cameras.
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the dress has a lace sweetheart strapless bodice with cross-over taffeta cummerbund at the midriff. the skirt is organza with scalloped lace at the bottom. |
Friday, August 27, 2010
Fiance Friday - Open Letter to Martha Stewart
Well, I knowthat everyone has been sitting at the edge of their seats ALL DAY, knowing that it is time for another epic Fiance Friday post! Well, your wait is over. As promised, I have another open letter to Martha Stewart! In case you missed my first letter, you can find it here. Also, a special Fiance Friday shout-out to Josh and Ashley who are getting married this weekend in Fairbury, NE! I wish I could be there!
And now, on to the letter...
My Dearest Martha,
I hope you are doing well. Every day I walk to my mailbox and hope that you have responded to my first letter. After a long, hot, summer, I have come to the conclusion that you must not have received it. It's really the only plausible explanation. I'll be sure to re-send it to you with some extra postage, as well as delivery confirmation. The other explanation of why I haven't gotten your response is because my home address changed. I realize that sometimes things get lost while being re-routed. My cell phone, however, has not. I've always got time for your call.
Well, Martha, you may be wondering why I am writing for a second time. You see, I am a subscriber to XM Radio. One day, I was driving in my car, listening to my favorite station, and I heard a commercial that caught my attention. It seems, Martha, that not even radio listeners are safe from you now! You now have your OWN XM Radio station! I would link to it, but then that would just give you more publicity that you don't need.
You may be wondering, Martha, what my problem is with your radio station. To be completely honest, in the spirit of full disclosure, I've never been subjected to listening to your station. However, as you know by now, I am here as one of the very few voices on the Internet for past present, and future grooms! I can only imagine the number of grooms who now have to listen to your radio station discussing design and wedding decorations. Why must you torture us, Martha?? Are your TV station and magazines not enough for you?
Well, Martha, I didn't think it would come to this, but I feel I must present one last argument to you. Listen to me, Martha. I'm going to come at you from a practical point of view. Let me get this straight. You are talking about design on the RADIO???? How can I possibly know what colors you are talking about without seeing them? When you say "blue," do you mean midnight blue, or perriwinkle? How will your listeners ever know?!?!? I mean, Martha, you don't want to walk in to someone's home who has taken your advice from the radio, only to find midnight blue drapes paired with perriwinkle carpeting! You can save America from a fashion crisis, Martha! I plead and beg you! Shut down your radio station!
If you would like to chat about this more, you know how to find me. I'll be awaiting your reply.
Hugs, High-5's, and Color Swatches,
Friday, August 20, 2010
Fiancé Friday - The Big Announcement
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
napkin love note.
hope you all can find a little love in your own lives today, too :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
B-I-G Announcement
If you've been following the blog, you'll have noticed that in last Friday's post Kevin announced that there would be a couple of big annoucements coming up. As much as I wish I could share Kevin's big annoucement, he'll have to handle that one on his own (but he should do it very soon...cough, cough, hint, hint). As for our big announcement, that one I can share...
drum roll please.
We're going to run a marathon!
For those of you who don't know, Kevin and I ran our first half-marathon this past January...with no training. No, we're not that badass. We were mostly, well, stupid. We couldn't move for several days afterwards and didn't run again for several weeks. But for some reason, we masochists are coming back for more. In an effort to see how we would do in a race we have actually trained for, as well as getting in shape for our upcoming wedding, we have decided to go all out and register for the Holualoa Tucson Marathon this December 12.
The training plan we're following is eighteen lonnggggg weeks, which makes this week numero uno. Luckily for us, the training plan started yesterday with our favorite day: rest day! (There are two rest days each week, as well as one cross-training day). So, today marks the real first day of training: 3 miles. We think we can handle that.
We'll be updating on the blog (probably weekly) about our training progress and whether or not we've died or quit yet. We're hoping to make the blog more about our relationship AND our wedding, rather than just our wedding, so this is just one of the many things you'll start to see included here.
from Kevin:
So, as you all now know, we are running a marathon. Now, I know that none of you have doubts when it comes to my beautiful fiance finishing this race. I mean, really, there is no way that she's not going to finish. Many of you know I nearly collapsed (Ok, not really collapsed, but couldn't walk for several days afterwards) after doing a half-marathon back in January. I have a plan this time, though (besides Hal Higdon's 18-week plan). The beauty of this marathon is that it's all DOWNHILL! In fact, from the starting line to the finishing line, you LOSE 1800 feet in elevation! So, here's the plan. If I get tired during the race, I'm going to stop, lie on the ground, and just ROLL the rest of the way! Whoever came up with this marathon course was a GENIUS! There is NO WAY that I can't finish!! In all seriousness, though, I am excited about the challenge of running this marathon. Who knows if I'm going to finish, but, as many of you know, I'm just crazy enough to try! :)
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kevin & i at the p.f. chang's half-marathon - january 2010. somehow standing. |
Friday, August 6, 2010
Fiancé Friday
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
giant cupcakes.
We've been thinking a lot lately about what we want to do for our wedding cake - flavor, style, all of that fun stuff. Recently we've been considering doing cupcakes instead; yes, they're trendy, but more than that, they're cute and fun and not as wasteful AND Kevin and I do share a l-o-v-e for cupcakes! We were thinking we'd do mostly cupcakes (on a tower), with a small round cake at the top....and then I saw this picture.
Oh. My. Gosh. GIANT CUPCAKE. Yes. Please.
And just like that, cupcakes it is.